Uid|Pass|Cookie|Email|Passmail|Mai Recovery|birthday
Uid|Pass|Cookie|Email|Passmail|Mail recovery get code from https://inboxes.com
Uid|Pass|2FA|Cookie|Token|Gmail Registered for over 1 month, suitable for ads, spam (should add hotmail trust if using long term)
Checkpoint mail 30+ friends Login by cookie Get email from https://moakt.com
Checkpoint mail 2011-2023 0-5000 friends Name changed to Vietnam
Checkpoint mail 20-1000 friends Unused 100%, random Vietnam - Foreign. Get code from https://fviainboxes.com
format : Mail|Pass|Refresh_Token|Client_id
Use Vietnamese IP + pop3, do not use Imap checklive because it will be easily scanned, do not use the same IP for many emails
User|Pass|Cookie|Email get code from https://vi.emailfake.com/ or https://1secmail.com/
User|Pass|Email|Passmail Check API mailbox: Https://gmx.live/login/[email protected]|password Check latest email: Https://gmx.live/login/[email protected]|password Login error reported password error, please change device or IP
format : Mail|Pass|Refresh_token|Client_id
Telegram new US (+1) , register from IOS - Session , Tdata